
August 30, 2008

Sarah Smile


Early 80s soft core porn star? No!- (r)epuke VP nominee

Early 80s soft core porn star? No!- (r)epuke VP nominee

McBush has chosen his running mate. It’ll be Sarah Palin. Sarah has been governor of Alaska since 2006 and before that she served two terms as both Wasilla, Alaska (pop. 9000) city councilwoman and mayor of that thriving metropolis. Sarah’s other accomplishments include being named runner up of the 1984 Miss Alaska contest and marrying one of the few (r)epuke union members left in America. And I thought Brownie’s resume was impressive!

The pick clearly shows the level of desperation that has overtaken the McSame campaign. His pathetic staff has decided that the best way to charm Hillary voters is to name a pro-“life”, pro-gun, pro-war (almost) beauty queen. Didn’t they even bother to check out what Hillary Clinton stands for? I’ve said it before but I’ll say it again- any Hillary voter who casts a ballot for McCain/Palin should immediately switch his or her registration to (r). This pick is such a joke.

July 20, 2008

Now that al-Maliki wants us out, What is the Republican Party’s position on troop withdrawal?

"Now you listen to me, Al (Maliki). I'm the Decider and I decide what's best for you, for me, for all."

"Now you listen to me, Al (Maliki). I'm the Decider and I decide what's best for you, for me, for all."

Should we stay or should we go? Since it appears that the Iraqis are “standing up”, isn’t it time for us to “stand down”? Oh no, my mistake. That was LAST election’s RNC talking point. I’ll wager that the republican party line on the Sunday morning talk shows goes a little something like this…”So much has changed since the stand up/stand down mantra was introduced. The Iraqis don’t realize the danger they’re in. Only Bush/Cheney/McCain can protect them. If we withdraw from Iraq and Obama is elected (gasp!), our children will be raised in an Arabic-speaking U.S.A and Israel will be wiped off the map”.

The repubber fear machine will be full throttle in no time now- guaranteed.

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