
July 20, 2008

Now that al-Maliki wants us out, What is the Republican Party’s position on troop withdrawal?

"Now you listen to me, Al (Maliki). I'm the Decider and I decide what's best for you, for me, for all."

"Now you listen to me, Al (Maliki). I'm the Decider and I decide what's best for you, for me, for all."

Should we stay or should we go? Since it appears that the Iraqis are “standing up”, isn’t it time for us to “stand down”? Oh no, my mistake. That was LAST election’s RNC talking point. I’ll wager that the republican party line on the Sunday morning talk shows goes a little something like this…”So much has changed since the stand up/stand down mantra was introduced. The Iraqis don’t realize the danger they’re in. Only Bush/Cheney/McCain can protect them. If we withdraw from Iraq and Obama is elected (gasp!), our children will be raised in an Arabic-speaking U.S.A and Israel will be wiped off the map”.

The repubber fear machine will be full throttle in no time now- guaranteed.

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